Press Releases

02.14.24 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano's Opening Statement at Hearing on Sexual Harassment Allegations

WASHINGTON, DC - House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) delivered the following opening remarks during the Full Committee’s hearing on sexual harassment allegations in the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Resolution Management, Diversity and Inclusion (ORMDI): “Welcome, Mr. Secretary. I am pleased that you joined us today to offer insight into how this investigation was handled at the highest level of VA and where VA will go from here under your … Read More

02.13.24 • Press Release

Veterans’ Affairs Committee Democrats Statement on Tomorrow’s Hearing on Sexual Harassment Allegations

WASHINGTON, DC - Today a spokesperson for the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Democrats released the following statement in advance of Wednesday’s Full Committee Hearing on the investigation into the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)’s Office of Resolution Management, Diversity and Inclusion (ORMDI):  “We agree that allegations of sexual harassment or any misconduct must be taken extremely seriously. But the Republican’s release from February 5th on the Office of Accountability and … Read More

01.31.24 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano Statement on CDC Camp Lejeune Cancer Incidence Study

WASHINGTON- House Committee of Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement in response to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) releasing its Evaluation of Cancer Incidence Among Marines and Navy Personnel and Civilian Workers Exposed to Contaminated Drinking Water at USMC Base Camp Lejeune: A Cohort Study. The findings of this study showed that civilian workers, Marine/Navy Personnel, and their families have experienced … Read More

01.30.24 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano Introduces Bill to Ensure Survivors Receive Benefits After Losing a Loved One

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) introduced the Survivor Benefits Delivery Improvement Act to make sure that survivors receive the benefits they are entitled to. The full Committee held a hearing this morning on survivor benefits and how they are administered.  “It was clear in our hearing today and from talking to survivors around the country that there is a large deficit in how much they know about the benefits that are … Read More

01.30.24 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano's Opening Remarks During Full Committee Hearing on Survivor Benefits

WASHINGTON, DC - Today House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) delivered the following opening remarks during the Full Committee’s hearing on the delivery of survivor benefits at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA):  “Good morning and thank you, Chairman Bost.    Two years ago, when the Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs Subcommittee held a hearing on the topic of survivor benefits, it was the first time it had been discussed in a decade.  So, I … Read More

01.25.24 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano Applauds Biden Administration’s Elimination of Military Service Records Backlog

WASHINGTON, DC - Today House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement in response to the news that the backlog of requests for military service records at the National Archives’ National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has been eliminated:  “This is tremendous news! Today’s announcement is a testament to the meaningful work done by a Democratic-controlled Congress and the Biden Administration on behalf of our nations’ veterans and … Read More

01.17.24 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano Honors One Year Anniversary of Emergency Suicide Prevention Care Implementation

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) honored the one-year anniversary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)’s implementation of the suicide prevention emergency care created through the Veterans COMPACT Act of 2020 (P.L. 116-214), which he authored. Under Section 201 of the law, any veteran experiencing an acute suicidal crisis can seek emergency treatment from any VA or non-VA facility at no cost to them. Veterans are eligible … Read More

01.11.24 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano's Opening Remarks at Oversight Hearing on Rural Veterans

WASHINGTON, DC — House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39), delivered the following remarks during the Committee’s Oversight Hearing on rural veterans and their access to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare and benefits: “Thank you, Chairman Bost.   Rural veterans and their families have long had to navigate an altogether different healthcare experience than their suburban and urban counterparts.   From hours-long drives to appointments, to housing … Read More

12.21.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano and Veterans Affairs Democrats' 2023 Wrap Up

WASHINGTON DC- This year, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano continued his efforts to pass legislation that supports veterans and their families. Last Congress, when Ranking Member Takano was Chairman of the Committee, the Committee passed his bill, the Honoring our PACT Act (P.L. 117-168), which was the largest expansion of veterans benefits in 30 years.   “Working with the Republican Majority this year has been difficult, from their lack of organization to their … Read More

12.15.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano Demands Action For Homeless Veterans After Homelessness Numbers Rise

WASHINGTON, DC - House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced this year’s Point in Time (PIT) count numbers on homelessness in the United States:  “Today’s PIT count numbers are deeply concerning, especially as winter has arrived.  While the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is making tremendous strides in utilizing Housing First principles and quickly moving … Read More

12.06.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano, Chairman Bost Introduce VA Correct Compensation Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-CA) and Chairman Mike Bost (R-IL) introduced the VA Correct Compensation Act (HR 6538), which amends existing law to allow for certain healthcare providers at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to grieve errors in their compensation.    Ranking Member Takano said, “Passing the VA Correct Compensation Act would be an important step towards ensuring that those who serve veterans received the correct … Read More

12.05.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano’s Statement on House Passage of Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act, HOME Act

WASHINGTON,DC - House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after the House passed the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act and Housing our Military Effectively (HOME) Act with strong bipartisan support: “While I fully support the goals of both of these bills, this is a hollow victory, because we already know further House action will be needed. Last week, my staff alerted the Majority’s staff that the language of the bills passed today was … Read More

11.16.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano's Statement on Annual Veterans Suicide Report

WASHINGTON, DC --  House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after the release of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) 2023 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report, which showed a slight increase from 2020 to 2021 in veteran suicide deaths:  “A life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and sadly we saw an increase in both civilian and veteran suicide deaths in calendar year 2021 - the time period covered by this report. … Read More

11.07.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano Opening Statement at Veterans' Employment Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) delivered the following remarks, as prepared, at the beginning of the Full Committee’s hearing on veteran employment and opportunity: “Thank you, Chairman Bost. And thank you for holding this hearing on The Impact of America’s Businesses on Veteran Employment and Opportunity.   Before we begin, it’s impossible to discuss employment without addressing recent news in the automotive industry.  I’d … Read More

10.27.23 • Press Release

HVAC Democrats Call for Increased Oversight of the Opioid Epidemic Facing Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Democrats on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, led by Vice Ranking Member Chris Deluzio (PA-17), sent a letter to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough, raising concerns about the dangerous lack of oversight of the opioid prescribing procedures for veterans who receive their healthcare outside VA.  The Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report which estimated that 80% of non-VA Community Care Network (CCN) providers who … Read More

10.26.23 • Press Release

What They Are Saying: Organizations Urge House Passage of Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Over the summer, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs unanimously passed Congresswoman Julia Brownley (CA-26)’s Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act (H.R. 542) out of Committee. It is currently awaiting a vote on the House floor.   The Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act would expand VA’s Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) to all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Centers (VAMC), ensuring that veterans who need home care are able to receive it and avoid costly nursing … Read More

10.26.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano’s Statement on Dangerous Kennedy Amendment Passed in Senate Yesterday

WASHINGTON, DC -- House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after the Senate passed Senator John Kennedy (R-LA)’s dangerous amendment that would inhibit VA's efforts to protect the most vulnerable veterans and beneficiaries from harm:  “Over the summer our Committee held a hearing as Committee Republicans tried to ram through the highly-flawed Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act. Committee Democrats had major concerns about this … Read More

10.23.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano, Health Subcommittee Ranking Member Brownley’s Statement Responding to Republicans’ Absurd Fourth Letter to VA on Abortion Policy

WASHINGTON, DC - House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) and Subcommittee on Health Ranking Member Julia Brownley (CA-26) released the following statement in response to the Committee Republicans’ absurd fourth letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) requesting veterans’ health information on abortion care:  “Committee Republicans’ most recent letter to VA about the Interim Final Rule on reproductive healthcare and the Department’s abortion policy is … Read More

10.11.23 • Press Release

Ranking Member Takano Statement on Republican Dysfunction and the Real Consequences for Veterans

WASHINGTON, DC - Today House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after House Republicans almost shut the government down and have now forced work in the House to a halt with their Speakership fight:  “Many Americans might look at this chaos and dysfunction we are seeing from House Republicans and say that’s just DC politicians. They may think it might not affect them. But this has very real consequences.  House Republicans played … Read More

09.19.23 • Press Release

In Case You Missed It: Ranking Member Takano Receives Wounded Warrior Project Legislator of the Year Award

WASHINGTON, DC - In case you missed it: House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) has been selected by Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) to receive one of its Legislator of the Year awards, which recognizes outstanding legislative effort and achievement to improve the lives of wounded, ill, and injured veterans.?  “I am honored to receive this award from the Wounded Warrior Project. In the 117th Congress I had the privilege of serving as Chairman of the House … Read More

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