Ranking Member Takano’s Statement on VA Planned Reduction in Force
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WASHINGTON— House Veterans' Affairs Committee Ranking Member Mark Takano issued the following statement denouncing Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) latests decision to reduce its workforce by 83,000 employees.
"This deliberate dismantling of VA’s workforce by firing an additional 80,000 employees isn’t just dangerous—it’s an outright betrayal of veterans. Gutting VA’s staffing to pre-PACT Act levels will cripple the very system that millions of veterans rely on, denying them access to lifesaving health care, claims processing, and education benefits they’ve earned. Let’s be clear, VA had to expand to meet the overwhelming demand from veterans exposed to toxic substances.
These cuts won’t just impact those seeking health care. They will create chaos across every aspect of VA—delaying benefits, straining claims processing, and making it nearly impossible for student veterans and schools to get the assistance they need. The American people and Congress will not stand by while VA is hollowed out, leaving veterans to suffer the consequences.
I call on Chairman Bost to immediately hold a hearing to get answers—because what’s happening here isn’t just a bureaucratic decision, it’s a crisis in the making. Veterans of every generation, across every state, will feel the consequences of this reckless plan, and we cannot allow it to move forward without full transparency and accountability.
I demand that Secretary Collins explain how this reckless attack on VA won’t have catastrophic consequences for veterans’ access to care, benefits, and education. Because the truth is, it will,” said Ranking Member Takano.
Chairman Bost also released a statement, acknowledging questions he has on the impacts reductions could have on VA services.
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