January 27, 2015

Ranking Member Corrine Brown's Opening Remarks at House Veterans' Affairs Committee Legislative Hearing

Washington D.C.- At today’s House Veterans’ Affairs Committee legislative hearing, Ranking Member Corrine Brown delivered the following opening statement:

“Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding the Committee’s first legislative hearing of the 114th Congress. 

I look forward to this Committee, in our usual bipartisan fashion, being busy in looking at bills that will help our veterans, and assist the VA in its efforts to accomplish its mission.

I am especially pleased that my bill, H.R. 216, was included today.

H. R. 216 was introduced last Congress by former Ranking Member Michaud, and was approved by the Committee as part of the advance appropriations bill.  I look forward to working with my colleagues and stakeholders to move this bill as fast as we can this year.

VA’s financial management process often looks like budgeting-by-crisis.  H.R. 216 would provide the framework to assist the VA in the steps it has already taken to reform its budget process.  It’s important that everyone have a copy of the rules and by putting these processes into statute we’ll make sure that they do. 

Providing a roadmap each year so that VA, veterans, and Congress know where we are going is vital in reforming the VA.  And my bill will ensure that the steps taken to come up with this roadmap are transparent, and that all stakeholders are fully engaged in making sure that we provide the resources that our commitment to our veterans demands. 

So thank you, Mr. Chairman, for including H.R. 216 today.  I look forward to hearing from our witnesses on this, and our other bills, and I yield back the balance of my time.”