February 12, 2015

Ranking Member Corrine Brown Applauds President Obama’s Signature to Legislation to Prevent Veteran Suicides

Washington D.C.- House Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Corrine Brown joined President Obama today during the White House official signing ceremony of H.R. 203, the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans (SAV) Act, making HR 203 law. This bipartisan legislation – which unanimously passed both the House and Senate – addresses the epidemic of suicide among our nation’s veterans. 

The SAV Act was one of the first bills of the 114th Congress to be introduced, with the laudable goal of addressing the epidemic of suicide among our nation’s veterans.  “This extremely important piece of legislation will ultimately improve the healthcare our veterans receive for the mental wounds they sustained while defending this great nation,” said Congresswoman Brown. “I vividly recall when, during the 113th Congress, I heard the heartbreaking story of Clay Hunt, a bright, selfless young man with a servant’s heart, whose life ended tragically.  I am, however, truly honored to be part of his legacy by working with my colleagues in the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to pass this crucial piece of legislation, which today, became law,” continued the Congresswoman.

“Providing the mental health care that veterans need and effectively dealing with the crisis of veteran suicides have been long-standing concerns of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, as the effects of combat and service on our veterans last a lifetime.  For far too long our society and military culture itself have acted as if the need for mental health care treatment is a weakness and have discouraged adequate treatment.  Yet with the passage of this bill into law, as well as other substantive changes taking place with respect to veterans’ mental healthcare, this attitude is quickly changing.   

“The SAV Act, now signed into law, takes a number of important steps in this direction, including improving the safety net for at-risk veterans, while also introducing increased accountability into VA mental health care and suicide prevention programs using a third party evaluation.  It will also provide veterans with a website that will serve as a centralized source of information on mental health services. 

“In addition, the SAV Act initiates a program to help address some of the glaring mental health personnel shortages at the VA.  While the incentives in this bill are limited to the psychiatry field, I would very much like to see this effort expanded in the future to all the mental health professional shortfalls.  In addition, another important element of the law is that it would expand peer support networks. 

“The fact that twenty-two veterans commit suicide daily – more than 8,000 every year, is outright tragic.  Of the more than 2 million Americans who have served in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is estimated that one-third, roughly 600,000 women and men, have traumatic brain injury, PTSD or depression.  To combat this epidemic, the SAV Act, which was named in honor of a late Iraq and Afghanistan War veteran and noted suicide prevention advocate who committed suicide on March 31, 2011, The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act is yet another strong step forward in the goal of ensuring our nation’s veterans have the mental health care support they need.”