January 30, 2017

Ranking Member Walz Statement On Executive Order

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Ranking Member Tim Walz (MN-01) released the following statement on President Trump’s immigration executive order:

“Our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan depend on foreign interpreters who, at great risk to themselves and their families, help keep our troops safe. Often, in return for their service to our nation, we promise them and their families safe passage to the United States. President Trump’s refugee ban makes it illegal for these interpreters to come to the U.S., leaving them and their families at the mercy of enemy forces who resent their brave cooperation with American troops.

Not only is the refugee ban shameful and in violation of every American value we hold dear, but it threatens the safety of those who literally put their lives on the line to protect our troops.

We call for the immediate end of this unconstitutional and un-American refugee ban.”
