June 06, 2019

Chairman Takano Statement on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mark Takano issued the following statement in recognition of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. See a video of Chairman Takano’s floor speech here and his remarks as prepared below:


Madam Speaker, I rise today in gratitude for the bravery and sacrifices made by American and Allied Armed Forces on D-Day, June 6, 1944.

This week marks the 75th anniversary of that “Longest Day”-  a moment in history when servicemembers from across the globe stormed the shores of Normandy, France to defend liberty and fight against the tyranny of Nazi Germany. As we pause to honor and express our gratitude to the tens of thousands of American soldiers, sailors and airmen who bore the battle that day and for many days after until victory was achieved, we are reminded again that the cost of freedom can be very high.  

As Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, it is my duty to ensure the promises made to veterans and their survivors are kept. A veterans’ sacrifice never expires-- their service to this country does not end on the battlefield, and it doesn’t end when they come back home. It lives on, even long after they’re gone. 

In the same way, our duty to care for our veterans does not end either. The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is committed to honoring their legacies by improving mental health services, providing accountability for the fair and timely delivery of benefits, and ensuring we honor the memories of those who are gone.

Today, I ask everyone to reflect on the sacrifice made by the “Greatest Generation” in Europe 75 years ago and join me in thanking those of this generation who have stepped up and are ready to continue in this tradition if called upon today.
