September 10, 2024

Takano, Smith, Raskin Call for Transparency and Expediency of Investigation into Abuse of Arlington National Cemetery by Former President Trump

Press Contact

Libby Carlson -- 771-216-2280

The Ranking Members of the committees of jurisdiction urge U.S. Army officials to admonish the former president for his misuse of Arlington National Cemetery for political purposes, warn him that a repeat violation could result in his being banned from the cemetery, and investigate and release its findings on how the event was coordinated.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representatives Mark Takano (D-Calif.), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee; and Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, issued a joint statement today calling on the U.S. Army to admonish former President Trump for his blatant misuse of Arlington National Cemetery for campaign purposes and to warn him that any future violation could lead to his being banned from setting foot on the property. The Members also called for the Army to immediately provide answers to their questions submitted over a week ago regarding related investigations and for the Army to share its plans to ensure steps are taken to avoid future abuse of this sacred site and its employees.

The Members said: “Former President Trump and his campaign staff clearly violated the rules and regulations prohibiting political activities at Arlington National Cemetery by using one of our country’s most hallowed sites for partisan campaign purposes. Prohibitions against partisan political activities at Arlington and other federal sites are designed to ensure the sanctity of memorials and ceremonies honoring America’s fallen. The actions of former President Trump and his campaign staff were in flagrant violation of regulations, tradition, norms, and decorum and dishonored the memories of those interred at Arlington and the meaning of patriotic service to our country. We urge the U.S. Army to immediately provide information regarding how the event was coordinated.

“Furthermore, the alleged assault of an Arlington staff member by Trump campaign staff requires a strong official response. The incident occurred when an Arlington staff member tried to ensure adherence to the rules, regulations, and solemnity of this hallowed ground. As with any alleged assault, this incident should be investigated by the appropriate law enforcement authorities and should be subject to an independent charging decision. We urge the Army to cooperate fully with the charging authority, including providing any information they have on the alleged incident to that authority.  

“While we are sympathetic to the challenges the Army faces in addressing and holding accountable a former president and his campaign staff, failure to properly investigate this egregious incident in a timely manner and hold violators accountable undermines the integrity and honor of Arlington National Cemetery and erodes the longstanding rules, tradition, and norms requiring nonpartisanship in the U.S. military.”