May 24, 2017

Ranking Member Tim Walz Examines Trump Budget Impact On Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Today, House Committee on Veterans Affairs Ranking Member Tim Walz (D-MN) released the following statement after the Committee examined the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2018 as proposed by President Donald Trump and his Administration. The Committee received testimony from VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin as well as other leaders from the VA.

“Budgets are more than just fiscal documents; they are a reflection of our values. While I am encouraged by the current Administration’s decision to build upon President Obama’s legacy of increasing the Department of Veterans Affairs overall budget, I am very concerned by the funding cuts the Trump budget makes to VA administered healthcare, medical research, and other vital programs,” Rep. Walz said.

“Cutting resources for these services just to offset the cost of expanding reliance on private sector healthcare is a shortsighted mistake that undermines our commitment to the men and women who have bravely served in uniform. I am particularly concerned about the gradual erosion of programs that provide disabled and elderly veterans with important cost of living adjustments and unemployability benefits.” 

“I have always believed that our focus should be on improving the veterans’ experience, especially when it comes to their healthcare. That is why I have supported developing a veteran-centered health care system that preserves VA’s core mission while utilizing community care where it makes commonsense; however, we should not have to choose between caring for veterans at the VA and caring for veterans seeking care in the their communities.”

“I am grateful for Secretary Shulkin’s service to our veterans and I look forward to working closely with him, as well as with my colleagues in Congress on both sides of the aisle, as we seek to improve the lives of all veterans across the country.”



The Honorable David J. Shulkin M.D.


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Accompanied by:


Edward Murray

Acting Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mark Yow

Chief Financial Officer

Veterans Health Administration

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


James Manker

Acting Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Benefits Veterans

Benefits Administration

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Matthew Sullivan

Deputy Under Secretary for Finance and Planning and Chief Financial Officer

National Cemetery Administration

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Rob Thomas

Acting Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Statement for the Record

Disabled American Veterans

Paralyzed Veterans of America

The American Legion

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
