February 15, 2024

Ranking Member Takano's Statement on VA’s proposed new rule on Agent Orange expansions

Press Contact

Libby Carlson

WASHINGTON, DC – Today House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced their new proposed rule to expand the years and locations veterans will be covered for Agent Orange and other toxic herbicide exposures: 

Ranking Member Takano said, “I applaud VA’s new proposed rule that expands the reach of my bill, the Honoring Our Pact Act, and builds upon VA’s work addressing Vietnam-era toxic exposure. Taking care of every veteran is our solemn responsibility as a country, and that includes making sure they have adequate healthcare to help with any service-connected illnesses. This proposed rule would greatly further the cause of addressing domestic toxic exposure, work I will continue until this problem is solved. This is one vital step forward to ensure veterans have the benefits they deserve.”  

This proposed rule adds 12 states, including military locations, local areas and time periods to the updated list which VA presumes veterans were exposed to toxic chemicals. If finalized, it would greatly expand the universe of who is eligible to receive healthcare and benefits at VA. To view the full list of newly proposed locations, visit the VA’s website.