May 21, 2024

Ranking Member Takano Statement on One Millionth PACT Act Benefit Granted

Press Contact

Libby Carlson -- 771-216-2280

WASHINGTON, DC – House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member, and author of the Honoring our PACT Act, Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statement after the announcement that the one millionth PACT Act disability compensation benefit claim has been granted: 

“We passed my historic Honoring our PACT Act less than two years ago, so I am thrilled that one million veterans and their survivors have already been able to receive the benefits they have earned. We have a sacred obligation to pay for all costs of war, including supporting veterans when they come home. The Honoring our PACT Act does just that by making the connection between service to our country and certain illnesses, allowing veterans to receive care and benefits faster than ever.

I applaud President Joe Biden and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough for their commitment to implementing the PACT Act quickly and effectively. The Biden Administration has even gone above and beyond by accelerating implementation of the PACT Act, opening up healthcare benefits to thousands of veterans years ahead of schedule. I would like to thank the thousands of VA employees who have worked diligently with veterans to get them their benefits and the accredited organizations who help veterans navigate the application process. 

I will keep working until everyone who has earned these benefits receives them. And as a reminder, if you have previously submitted an Intent to File, you have one year from date of submission to file your claim. So, the time is now to apply for benefits and register for healthcare. Visit to learn more, find an accredited representative, and apply today!”