November 05, 2014

Ranking Member Michaud Statement on the Passing of Former Rep. Lane Evans

Washington D.C.  – U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud (D-ME), Ranking Member of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, released the following statement this afternoon about the death of former U.S. Rep. Lane Evans (D-IL). 

“My thoughts and prayers are with Lane’s friends and loved ones during this difficult time. Lane was an incredible advocate for our veterans and a force on the Veterans' Affairs Committee. I feel privileged to have served with him and to have had his committed, respectful and informed example to follow in my own service as Ranking Member.

“Lane will be greatly missed by the veterans’ advocates and his fellow Members of Congress from both parties, with whom he worked so hard to pass landmark legislation on Agent Orange exposure, and the treatment of traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress. Lane’s legacy is that of more veterans in our nation leading healthy and productive lives as a result of his tireless work.”