June 19, 2019

House, Senate Leaders Introduce Resolution to Commemorate 75th Anniversary of G.I. Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Today, Chairman Mark Takano (D-Cali.) and Ranking Member Dr. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.) of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, along with Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), and Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs,  introduced a resolution to designate the week of June 17, 2019, as “National G.I. Bill Commemoration Week” and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, more commonly known as the G.I. Bill.    

The members released the following joint statement:

“We strongly support our student veterans and are honored to introduce this resolution in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the G.I. Bill on their behalf. Since its creation in 1944, the G.I. Bill has helped millions of veterans go to school, buy a house, and achieve their dreams. In turn, those veterans have had a transformational effect on our workforce and economy. And now, even more servicemembers, veterans, dependents, and survivors are benefiting from the Forever G.I. Bill signed in 2017. The Forever G.I. Bill is one of the largest expansions of G.I. Bill benefits since its creation 75 years ago and ensures that veterans can use the educational benefits they’ve earned whenever they choose. We are so grateful for the sacrifices our servicemembers make and acknowledge the incredible impact the G.I. Bill has had on the veteran community and our entire nation for the past 75 years."


The first-ever G.I. Bill was signed into law on June 22,1944. Since then, the G.I. Bill has been a critical tool for veterans during their transition to civilian life. The bill has provided veterans and their families education benefits, financial assistance, home loan guarantees and has led to the expansion of the American middle class and economic growth and opportunity in America. Text of the resolution is available here. More information about the Forever G.I. Bill can be found on the VA’s website here.
