July 15, 2019

House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Launches New Website

Press Contact

Jenni Geurink (202-225-9756)

Miguel R. Salazar

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, veterans.house.gov, featuring an updated design that will help veterans and their families stay up-to-date with the Committee’s activities, as well as provide them with valuable Committee and Department of Veterans’ Affairs resources.

The Committee is working to serve the next generation of veterans, but we know the demographic profile of our nation’s veterans is changing dramatically. That’s why, guided by its VA 2030 mission, the Committee is reimagining the way it serves all veterans to include a greater focus on women, LGBTQ, minority, and aging veterans than ever before. We must take steps to break down barriers for veterans in underserved communities and increase access for those who served. To this end, the Committee is especially pleased that the new website is 508 compliant, a step which will increase accessibility for our blind and vision impaired veterans who can now access the website’s information through adaptive technology.

Because the Committee recognizes that communication from veterans and other constituents provides valuable insight, we are excited that the new website features a contact form that will allow people to reach out to the Committee directly. Furthermore, those wishing to intern on the Committee can now apply to do so through the online internship application form.

The website will also provide a detailed whistleblower form through which veterans, their families, VA employees, and others with important information can alert the Committee about pressing issues regarding the VA. The Committee knows that whistleblowers’ disclosures can save veterans’ lives and taxpayers’ dollars, and hopes that this new intake process will further protect the care and benefits our veterans have earned.

The Committee is preparing VA to meet the needs of a diverse profile of veterans and is excited that this new website will aid in this mission.
