January 06, 2015

Congresswoman Corrine Brown Comments on Being Elected Ranking Member of House Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Washington D.C.- Congresswoman Corrine Brown made the following statement:

"Thank you Leader Pelosi.

I am humbled and honored by the opportunity to serve as the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs for the 114th Congress and by the support of my Democratic colleagues. 

I am very much looking forward to serving our nation's veterans in this new position and to work to make sure these men and women get the care and benefits they earned through their service to our nation. 

During the upcoming session, some of the key issues I plan to address in committee include fully implementing the Veterans' Access, Care and Affordability Act by ensuring that our nation's brave, returning soldiers have all the resources they need to transition to civilian life. I will also continue my advocacy to get all of the VA Medical Centers opened as soon as possible. 

One of the most important tools we have at our disposal to assist our veterans is our veterans stakeholders. We can learn a great deal from these men and women who served our country and have first-hand knowledge of the needs and particular experiences of our veterans. 

We must: 

  • ensure the VA has the resources necessary to provide superior healthcare to our veterans; 
  • ensure that women veterans have the resources they need to receive proper care; 
  • include local community input to provide healthcare for our veterans under the supervision of the VA. 

I am certain the committee members will continue to do the hard work to benefit our nation's veterans."

As George Washington said: 

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country."