February 03, 2021

Chairman Takano: “The time for decisive action is now”

Press Contact

Jenni Geurink (202-819-4684)

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mark Takano (D-Calif.) spoke on the House floor in favor of H.Con.Res. 11, FY 2021 Budget Resolution to ensure the federal government provides direct relief to the American people during the COVID-19 pandemic. See a video of Chairman Takano’s floor speech here and his remarks as prepared below.


mt - budget recon


Video of Chairman Takano’s remarks.


Chairman Takano’s remarks as prepared:


As Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, I am painfully aware of the toll this pandemic has taken on our nation’s veterans. I hear from veterans who are struggling to find work as unemployment numbers rise. I hear from veterans who’ve had their critical compensation and pension exams postponed, delaying much needed benefits. And sadly, we’ve lost over 8,900 veterans and 120 VA staff to the pandemic so far.  


Across the nation and at the height of the pandemic, veterans have stepped up to serve their country-- a trait not uncommon for the thousands of veterans whose services continue even after they pack away their uniforms.  


Their service -- as first responders and healthcare workers battling COVID-19, as essential employees keeping our economy moving, packages delivered, and hospitals sterilized -- has served as an example of how strong America can be when we act together. Despite all of the setbacks our nation has faced, it is our duty to be optimistic. Our veterans have shown the way.  


VA has responded to crises across the country through its Fourth Mission -- even landing on the Capitol grounds yesterday to deploy Mobile Vet Centers to support U.S. Capitol Police, members of the National Guard, and congressional staff after the insurrection on January 6th.  


Throughout this pandemic, veterans and VA have continued to step up and serve their communities, not just their fellow veterans.  


The time for decisive action is now. Passing this resolution doesn’t negate the need for bipartisan cooperation. The need now is real, and the pain caused by this pandemic is deep. The best way to provide direct relief to the American people and continue serving all those who have served is to act fast and do it now.  


We cannot afford to wait for higher case counts, for additional variants of the virus to emerge, for more Americans to go without work or watch as their savings dwindle.  


We must act fast-- that’s why we’re here today.


For more information about the Committee’s efforts to address the COVID-19 crisis and resources for available for veterans, please visit: https://democrats-veterans.house.gov/covid-19.

