Subcommittee on Health Markup, Followed by, "Breaking Down Barriers: Getting Veterans ACCESS to Lifesaving Care"
Location: Cannon 360
On Tuesday, March 25, 2024, at 2:15 PM, the Subcommittee on Health will hold a markup on;
H.R. 217, CHIP IN for Veterans Act; H.R. 1969, No Wrong Door for Veterans Act;
H.R. 1971, Veterans Supporting Prosthetics Opportunities and Recreational Therapy (SPORT) Act;
H.R. 1823, The VA Budget Accountability Act;
H.R. 1107, The Protecting Veteran Access to Telemedicine Services Act;
H.R. 1336, The Veterans National Traumatic Brain Injury Act;
H.R. 658, To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish qualifications for the appointment of a person as a marriage and family therapist, qualified to provide clinical supervision, in the Veterans Health Administration;
H.R. 1644, Copay Fairness for Veterans Act; and
H.R. 1860, The Women Veterans Cancer Care Coordination Act.
Documents for the Markup can be found in the Committee Repository here.
Following the completion of the Markup, the Subcommittee on Health will hold an Oversight Hearing entitled, "Breaking Down Barriers: Getting Veterans ACCESS to Lifesaving Care".
Documents for the hearing can be found on the Committee Repository here.