Health Subcommitee Legislative Hearing
Location: Cannon 360
On Tuesday, March 5, 2025, at 2:15 PM the Subcommittee on Health will conduct a legislative hearing on the following bills:
Discussion Draft, Standardizing Treatment and Referral Times Act;
Discussion Draft, No Wrong Door for Veterans Act;
Discussion Draft, Providing Veterans Essential Medications Act;
Discussion Draft, Veterans Supporting Prosthetics Opportunities and Recreational Therapy Act;
Discussion Draft, to Direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Comptroller General of the United States to Report on Certain Funding Shortfalls in the Department of Veterans Affairs;
H.r. 217, Chip in for Veterans Act (Rep. Bacon);
H.r. 1107, Protecting Veteran Access to Telemedicine Services Act of 2025 (Rep. Womack);
H.r. 1336, the Veterans National Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Act (Rep. Murphy);
H.r. 658, to Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Establish Qualifications for the Appointment of a Person As a Marriage and Family Therapist, Qualified to Provide Clinical Supervision, in the Veterans Health Administration;
Discussion Draft, Copay Fairness for Veterans Act;
Discussion Draft, Saving Our Veterans Lives Act;
And Discussion Draft, Women Veterans Cancer Care Coordination Act.
Documents for the hearing can be found on the Committee Repository here.